Welcome to the Pickering Christian School and Lunch web site. On this site parents and guests will be able to place lunch orders for their children, purchase special fundraising items and or participate in our VISTA Gift Card program.
If you have any issues using this system, please be sure to contact Mr. Dave Park (dpark@pickeringcs.on.ca) for assistance.
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience. Moving all of our purchasing transactions to an online platform allows us the ability to be more efficient from an administrative prespective.
Thank you for your continued support of PCS
At the begining of each school year, families are asked to re-create a fresh account and login since it has been so long since you last logged in (do you remember your password?), plus it helps us keep records clean and organized. Any outstanding credits or balances on your account from last year will automatically be re-connected to your account if using the same email address as last year. If there are any concerns, please contact the office. It also helps us make sure that all students are allocated to their new grades and deletes any graduated or departed students from the records. Lastly, it also helps us meet the Privacy laws about holding on to data that we should have.
PLEASE NOTE - Due to increasing base prices of Pizza, Drinks and Snacks, for all orders moving forward from January 2024, prices have increased .25 cents per item.
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